In different places, depending on the wind, here you can paraglide, a tandem jump with an instructor who tells you exactly what to do.
Just run when he gives the signal. You don’t need any experience. You need a bit of luck in terms of weather, so it may be that your flight is moved, for example, to the next day or that you have to wait a little longer for the right wind.
Children can do it too, from about 40 kilos I think.
With your reservation at La finca Roja, you will also receive access to the finca’s app. In this app you will not only find all the information about your accommodation, but also about places of interest and activities in the town and the region. This way you can prepare your trip in time, plan activities and possibly book guides or study topos. This app also contains advice on the contents of your backpack, which boots are suitable and, for example, exercises to prepare for your trip.